
SEO location pages are an important part of your kitchen remodeling business’s online presence. If you’re a home improvement company looking to generate leads in multiple towns, location pages will help each one show up in local search results for its respective city or state. Think about it – if someone is looking for the nearest place to get their car repaired and they have three different options within 10 miles from them, wouldn’t that be helpful? Location Pages also include contact information so customers can easily reach out when needed!

  1. How does this page work?
  2. What do I need to create this page on my site?

The Importance of SEO Location Pages

Local SEO or search engine optimization is just as important as standard SEO practices. About 46% of all Google searches are for local businesses. With potential customers frequently searching for terms with “close by” or “near me” in the input field, it has become necessary for businesses to create location pages to attract a broader audience.

Google constantly updates their search engine algorithm to ensure the quality of results. When someone types in a keyword or phrase with local identifiers, your location page will show up on these updated Google listings and increase chances they’ll visit your site and become a paying customer!

SEO Best Practices for Local Landing Pages

Local landing pages are a great way to get more SEO traction with Google. Landing page links that point back up the chain of your site, from local area pages all the way up to your homepage, can help you rank higher in search engine results. Boosting organic web traffic is also key for increasing lead generation and digital marketing success at any scale!

Embrace Local Content Marketing

Local SEO starts with optimized content on your business site. All professional websites require relevant and valuable content to trigger Google’s search engine algorithm into including the site on search results pages. To make the page SEO-friendly, research local keywords for each location and have them in your content.

It’s best to use keywords strategically. One mistake business owners make is keyword stuffing, which is the act of filling content with irrelevant keywords in the hopes of gaining a higher Google ranking. Unfortunately, stuffing keywords has the opposite effect and signals the algorithm that the content is not valuable.

When optimizing your content, use relevant keywords naturally as they pertain to your business locations. For instance, if you own a deck company in Mill Valley, CA, you can use Marin County as a keyword to gain attention from people who search for deck companies in the entire area.

Create Clear Calls-To-Action

Your goal is for your visitors to take a specific action. Either you want them to call the nearest location or have more calls and consultations across multiple locations, so include their phone number on that page and prompt them to contact your team when they click on it!

Web visitors often skim location pages to see what the business is requesting or offering. Make your call-to-action clear and concise, such as, “Call us for a free estimate.”

Include Up-To-Date NAP Information

NAP is short for the business name, address, and phone number. These three components are must-haves in order to have an accurate location page on any website or social media platform. Failure of these details could result in a customer getting lost among misinformation when looking up your company’s information online.

Including NAP on your local business page sends an on-page signal to search engines to increase your local search result ranking. Embed a Google Map with your business’ location on your location page to improve your search rankings further.

Add Relevant Images and Videos

Pictures, videos and images all play a role in local SEO for businesses with multiple locations due to the fact that this content is engaging and exciting for consumers. Your location page can become high-ranking by adding any of these types of media into blog posts on your site; make sure to include localized alt text though!

Improve URL Structure and Title Tags

Having a local SEO business page can seem daunting at first, but if you just get your hands dirty with some research and write about what it is that makes your company unique from the rest of them out there.

Search engines are made to provide accurate search results when they know how to answer people’s queries by understanding where their content comes from as well as its relevance in regards to answering those questions.

Automatic URLs sometimes consist of random numbers and letters. Make your local business page more straightforward by creating a concise URL with a topic, location, and keyword.

You can also change the title tag to reflect the same information. The tag is what search engines display on results pages as clickable headlines. The more clarity the tags have, the more likely they are to have strong visibility online.

Create a Local Location Page for Each Location

If you run a multi-location company, it may be beneficial to list all locations on a single page. Google will rank the page higher if they see that there are many results for your service area in one place rather than scattered about various pages and domains. Still, some people prefer having separate location pages because of how relevant each site is going to be with their specific local keywords targeted by search engines using localized queries

How To Appear in Multiple City Searches With One Website

Businesses are always looking for ways to grow their company and by taking a few steps, you can appear in multiple city searches with one website. Google is able to create a pack of local results based on the searcher’s location but some businesses become authoritative enough to register across an entire city or region which is made possible by creating your company’s Google My Business listing with as many fields completed as you are able. This will help get positive reviews from customers who then may be more likely take notice because they feel like their opinion matters now that it has been posted publicly for others nearby in similar circumstances to see!

After spending hours pouring over Google Trends to find the best keywords, you might be tempted to jump right into a local SEO campaign. But before doing so it’s important that we take some time and consider what type of competition our business faces in its area first. If your competition is heavy then one way to combat this issue would be by utilizing marketing tools like Google Trends for better high-ranking phrases or paying close attention to the competitors’ targeted phrase selections as well as their respective online authority levels; all while researching other website quality metrics such as site loading speeds and bounce rates on webpages within an attempt at exceeding those who are competing with us locally!

Enhance Your Local SEO Strategy

You may be wondering how to use location pages, like Facebook Business and Google MyBusiness, as marketing tools. Don’t worry about becoming an SEO expert! We’ve got you covered with our talented team of experts who will boost your business rank in no time at all. Contact Kitchen Remodeling SEO today for a free consultation on the next steps that’ll take your company from good to great—or just give us a call now if you’re ready right away so we can get started!

digital marketing strategy for kitchen remodeling contractors
Mike Goldstein
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